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How to Take Picture Paw-fect Photos of Your Pup!

How to Take Picture Paw-fect Photos of Your Pup!

If you haven’t ventured into the world of pet instagram… you’re missing out! For breeds of all shapes and sizes, instagram is a place for owners (and their pets) to connect with a fun and easy-going community. We all share one thing in common, the love we have for our companions! It’s not always easy to take the paw-fect picture of our wiggly friends, but with these tips straight from our photographer, you’re sure to nail your pup’s summer looks.

First, finding the right outfit.
With so many options on the market to choose from, finding the right outfit for your photoshoot depends on a few things. Some of our fan favorites have been this trendy and functional tie-dye hoodie and this adorable monkey fleece vest.

Your pet’s outfit is mainly dependent on their personality, individual style, comfort level, and season! Make it minimal with just an accessory like a bandana or have your pup looking effortlessly chic and all-weather ready with this Rainbreaker and complete the look with a set of Wagwellies. Either way, have fun with these looks and don’t be afraid to show off your pet’s great personality through them!

Don’t know where to begin? Take our Style Quiz to find the right outfit for your pup’s unique personality!

Photo by @itsdougthepug 

Lighting and Backgrounds

No matter what the theme of the photoshoot is, your main focus is your pet. Which is why lighting and background are important if you want to get that paw-fect shot! A good rule for lighting is that natural is always best. Nice even lighting, like the kind during overcast skies is ideal! If you’re shooting indoors, try to wrangle your furry friend to a sunny window or try to shoot mid-day when the sun doesn’t create such harsh shadows in your home. Angle them so that the light is hitting their face rather than coming from behind them for best results! 

Variety of different backgrounds, from colored walls to the park or beach can make great backdrops for your dog’s photos. The main thing to remember is to choose backgrounds that aren’t too busy so that they draw the attention away from that adorable furry face! 

Photo by @cavapoo_cooper

Strike a Pose!

Now, for the shot itself. The hardest part about photographing your pet is of course… catching them at the right time! A word of advice from our team- treats and commands are your best bet. A treat in one hand and the phone or camera in the other can go a long way to getting your pet to look at the camera. Also, commands like “sit” and “stay” are great for getting them to strike a pose and hold it. If you have a camera or phone that takes multiple photos in succession that helps you have variety and get as many photos as you can before your pet moves positions.

How to Capture that Perfect Moment

Angles and composition can make all the difference in turning a good picture into a great one! We suggest getting low (down to your furry friend's level) for more dramatic shots and centering your dog's body in the frame.

Nowadays phones are equipped with pretty powerful cameras that come with great advantages to the amateur photographer. The iPhone has portrait mode which does all the heavy lifting for you by automatically bringing your subject into view and blurring the background. Androids offer a lot of customization much like an actual camera where you can change the fstop, aperture, exposure, and more right on the screen. Using these different modes will come in handy when you’re trying to make an impatient pet sit for a photo!

Photo by @therealpablito

Editing Your Photos

Lastly, they say the magic happens in post-production editing and with apps like VSCO,  Afterlight or Lightroom applying a little bit of magic couldn’t be easier and more fun! The great thing about editing apps is that they usually come with preset filters that can boost contrast, saturation, shadows, highlights, certain colors etc. There’s a preset for anything and everything and there are some great pre-made packs available to buy as well. Presets have the advantage of curating a certain overall vibe for your pet’s instagram.


And lastly, if you’re looking for great pet photography inspo check out our feed here. Let us know how these tips worked for you and share your top-notch photos with us by tagging us @wagwear!

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